Hey everyone! So i made it to my first P-Day! Its only been like 6 days or something but it feels like a month's worth already! I'm loving Wetumpka! It's green and the people are awesome! The people are hilarious! Every southern stereotype is absolutely 100% correct! We gave a lesson the other day wile watching the Alabama vs Mississippi game! lol. The people out here are so funny! the whole southern hospitality thing is definitely a real thing! either they don't want anything to do with us or they let us in and we talk for hours! there is like no in between! Some people are scared of us! They will see us coming and they will peel out of their driveway! It's so funny. This one lady thought we sacrificed a human every Sunday and ate it!
Oh i had my first baptism on Saturday! His name is J and he is so cool! I'm super proud of him! His family didn't support him at all but he knew being baptized and joining the church was the right thing to do. He was able to do so because he just turned 18 the day before so he was able to do it.
There are not really any sidewalks in Wetumpka but I'm loving my bike! The road bike was definitely the way to go! But it gets dark at like 4 o clock here! and my little $10 Walmart light died the first day! so mom could you please go to the bike shop and get that really good front charging light :P my back one works great! the charging is definitely the way to go! but there are no bike shops here so that's why I'm asking you :P
Princela has a puppy!! (Mom is assuming Princela is one of the Members in Wetumpka)
Thanks to everyone for all the letters oh and thanks for the HolyTabbs mom! that really helps a lot! I'll try and send some more pics of Wetumpka so you guys can see it!
lol one of the sisters gave me a zebra blanket because i was cold:P
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